Other information on the flora and fauna in Burkina Faso
This page contain other information about the flora and fauna in Burkina.
Release date | 14/05/2013 |
Contributor | lmanos |
Geographical coverage | Burkina, |
Keywords | Fauna,flora,Burkina, |
Information on the flora and fauna in Burkina Faso in
the country
Chapter 3: Current
state of biological diversity in Burkina Faso
3.1.3 Taxonomic summary of the inventory of species
List of endangered animal species in Burkina Faso :
of the endangered animal species (Database by WCMC)
IUCN redlist of endangered animal species (search result of the
database by IUCN)
with birds from Burkina Faso
Agricultural plant genetic resources:
collections (Database by IPGRI)
Collections held by International
Research Institutes
(Database SINGER)
Genetical resources of domestical animals
Information on the genetic resources of domestic animals (DAD-IS) in Burkina Faso