HTML Document Other information on the flora and fauna in Burkina Faso

This page contain other information about the flora and fauna in Burkina.

Release date 14/05/2013
Contributor lmanos
Geographical coverage Burkina,
Keywords Fauna,flora,Burkina,

Information on the flora and fauna in Burkina Faso in the country study
Chapter 3: Current state of biological diversity in Burkina Faso 

3.1 Taxonomic inventory 

3.1.1 Animal kingdom (Fauna) 

3.1.2 Plant kingdom (Flora)  

3.1.3 Taxonomic summary of the inventory of species

List of endangered animal species in Burkina Faso :
Redlist of the endangered animal species (Database by WCMC)
The IUCN redlist of endangered animal species (search result of the database by IUCN)

List with birds from Burkina Faso

Agricultural plant genetic resources:
Germplasm collections (Database by IPGRI)
Collections held by International Research Institutes
(Database SINGER)

Genetical resources of domestical animals

Information on the genetic resources of domestic animals (DAD-IS) in Burkina Faso